Saturday, January 22, 2011

29 Weeks

Here we are at 29 weeks...the time is flying by. We have been cleaning out closets and getting things ready for the baby's arrival. The little one is moving around like crazy lately and gets the hiccups every once in a while. So, I guess all is normal. Here are a few more pictures...maybe horizontal stripes are a bad idea at this stage of the game!

Monday, January 10, 2011

27 Weeks

So, we are now 27 weeks along. I had a doctor's appointment last week, and the baby seems to be progressing right on track. My weight gain to date is 11.5 pounds, which I was ok with the last 1.5 pounds since it was over the Christmas holiday in New Orleans!! I passed my glucose test after all of those Christmas sweets as well...phew! The baby's heart rate was 160 at the last visit, so still good and strong. The baby is moving around so much, and seems to particularly like the area right around my bladder! Here are my pictures from 26 and 27 weeks. 26 weeks is the purple shirt and red pants (I was still in my PJ's...the only thing that's comfortable these days) and 27 is the pink shirt. Some days, my belly really pokes out and some days not so much...I guess it depends on how the baby feels like hanging out at the moment.
Everyone has already begun trying to make their predictions. Kristopher is still sticking with girl, and there's a pool going at his work now. So far I think more people are hanging on the girl side of the vote for now....time will tell.