Saturday, February 26, 2011

34 Weeks

Only 6 weeks to go! Here we are at 34 weeks. We have been "nesting" like crazy. Kristopher's parents came up last weekend to bring the baby things from the shower, and now the nursery is put together. Now we just need a baby.

The baby is moving like crazy. My belly measures right on track for how far along I am. The doctor thinks the baby's head is still up, so we're just praying that it turns down sometime in the next 6 weeks.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

31 weeks and baby shower

So, we got snow...lots of snow! What a crazy was my birthday and Super Bowl weekend. We had 4 days off of school and were stuck at home, but it was nice to have some quiet days to just hang out in my PJ's all day! Finally Friday we tried to venture out so I could get to the airport so we didn't have to Skype my baby showers from New Orleans. We had a nice birthday lunch and then on to the airport. My flight didn't get canceled and I made it safe and sound to New Orleans. We had a great weekend and a great time with family and friends. We got lots of sweet things for the baby, including a quilt that my mom made from some of my baby dresses. We are so blessed to have such great family to bring this baby into. Thanks to everyone for all of the great baby things and for being such gracious hosts/hostesses! Here is my 31 week picture (in all of the winter weather) taken outside our front door.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

30 weeks

Here we are at 30 weeks; only 10 weeks until the estimated arrival date of our little bundle of joy! Here is also a shot of the high chair. My aunts pitched in and got us this as a shower gift. Next weekend, I will be in New Orleans for the baby showering! Can't wait.