Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fans in Heaven

Ok, so I've decided that there must be ceiling fans in Heaven, as every time Austin sees the fan, he smiles so big he laughs. He LOVES the fan - not even the moving fan - just the still fan. He stares at it and coos and laughs. We thought he was just noticing the contrast, but as much as he smiles and laughs, we think there must be some place he's seen them before. The first picture is Austin dressed up for a pass by the neigbor's birthday party. Isn't he precious?!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

6 weeks old...lots of smiles!

Austin is just over 6 weeks old now, and he smiles all the time now!!! He's such a happy baby, so here are some cute photos!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5 weeks old...growth spurt

We've done some comparisons to baby pictures...below are some of the people we think Austin might look like (me not being one of them)...let us know what you think. The top first two are my older brother, Chris. The next is my younger brother, John, and the last is Kristopher. Obviously the last three pictures are Austin.

So, Austin had a growth spurt at 3 weeks. He wanted to eat only 1.5 hours after his last feeding. He would start crying, and we were unable to console him. Finally by the afternoon, we figured out that he was having a growth spurt and needed to eat to catch my milk supply up to his needs. So, 1.5 hours might not seem like alot unless you realize that that's from start to start - as in I start feeding him at 7, he eats for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, then at 8:30 he wants to eat again!

Well, you would think I would have learned my lesson and figured out what was happening yesterday when Austin (now exactly 5 weeks old) could not be consoled. Is it gas?? Nope, gas drops not working...maybe he's tired?? Nope, eyes wide open. He was STARVING! So, today he's been eating around the clock - ahead of the curve and seeming to have his 6 week growth spurt a little early. He ate 4 times between 5am and 11am! So, I am loving on my sweet little man as it seems our little baby boy will be 12 pounds before we know it!

Meanwhile, I'm off to try to get something to eat before baby boy wants to eat again! Love and miss everyone!