Tuesday, August 30, 2011

5 months

Austin is 5 months old! He is growing and changing so fast. He is 14lbs, 10oz. He is rolling over, working on sitting up. He grabs things with intentions of putting them in his mouth! He is now eating oatmeal every day, and he can drink from a straw!...this last discovery was accidental when he grabbed at my water cup straw and I let him explore, only to find out he was already advanced in this technique. We are loving watching him grow and change. Oh, and he also busts out in hysterical laughter at the dogs...especially when they growl. He is really developing a sense of humor!

4 months...a little late

Sorry, I'm a little behind on my posts...here are Austin's 4 month pictures. He is growing and changing so much. At his 4-month check-up he was 13lbs, 15oz...just shy of the 14 pound mark. We are loving watching him change daily.

Stay tuned as I will post his 5-month pictures and update within a day or two.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Visit to New Orleans

Aunt Debbie and Aunt Linda
Grand-NaNa Gale
Getting spoiled! Auntie Lynnda, Aunt Julie, Nannie Michell and Emma
Gramps (Dips) and Grammy
Ceci and Buzzy
Swinging with Buzzy
Parrain Chris
Snuggling with Uncle Howard
Riding the new rocking horse from Pat and Dalton (friends of my parents from Mississippi)
4 generations: Mommy, Granny, Austin, and Ceci
PawPaw Hubert
Granny and Grandaddy Zimmerman
PawPaw and MawMaw Haydel
Cousins Preston and Peyton with Austin

We finally made the long drive down to New Orleans. It was eventful to say the least. I drove to Mississippi to Buzzy and Ceci's house and spent a couple of nights to break up the trip, then headed down to New Orleans. Kristopher flew down and met me for the weekend and we drove back together on Sunday. Austin had a great time meeting all of his family, and we had a great visit with everyone!

On the way home, all was going well and we were making great time until we hit Shreveport. After a brief stop for lunch we got back in the car only to realize that the air conditioner was not working. We definitely could not drive back to the 105 degree heat of Texas without air, so Kristopher was lucky enough to find a helpful gentleman at O'Reilly Auto Parts to help him figure it out. We had a cracked condenser...so they patched it and, thank the good Lord, we made it home!! After alot of battling with insurance and a week without a car, we were able to get it fixed once back home. Always and adventure! Luckily we had a visit from Ceci all week so that helped with the lack of vehicle!