Monday, January 30, 2012

Aloha Part II


Aaahh, warm laundry
Ceci and Buzzy at the luau
Family at luau
Mmmmm, pina, of course
Watching the hula dancers!
Austin in the giant banyan tree
Austin and Buzzy playing
Sunrise from Mt. Haleakala
Whale right by our boat!! Showing off her belly here
Austin on the boat
Family pic
Austin loving the beach!

As promised here are some pictures from Maui. There are sooooo many to choose from so I had to just pick a few. We had such a great time there. Maui is so beautiful, and it is our favorite island so far. We had an amazing whale tour where a whale came right up to our boat and just kept bobbing her head up and playing peak-a-boo with our boat for about 30 minutes. She was rolling on her back and sticking her fins up. It was incredible. The tour guides all said that it was such a rare experience to get that close and that they ranked it in their top 10 tours of all time!

We went to the Old Lahaina Luau, which was great. We had the traditional mat seating, so we sat front and center and Austin was able to crawl around and play. He LOVED the hula dancers and all the drumming.

We also spent time relaxing on the beach, enjoying the view from our beautiful condo, and eating the local produce. I think Austin consumed at least 7 avocados in the short time we were there. We had such a great trip!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Aloha!...Part I

Hiking with Buzzy
Dinner at Cheeseburger in Paradise

Playing putt-putt at the condo
Sacked out after a long day
Hanging out in the car - the only time he wore his hat all week!
Pearl Harbor - enough said
Catching a nap at Pearl Harbor
The anchor from the USS Arizona
Checking out the ocean for the first time...not too sure yet
Awesome waves on the Northshore
Hiking up Diamondhead Crater

We just got back from over a week in beautiful Hawaii! We were expecting paradise, and we got nothing short of it! Austin did amazing on the flight there (8.5 hours) and back (6.5 hours). He was an angel, and he enjoyed every minute of Hawaii.

We spent two days on Oahu near Waikiki beach. We hiked up to the top of Diamondhead Crater - unprepared. We didn't realize what a hike it was, so we were in flip flops with Austin in the stroller. As we got further along the path, Kristopher ended up barefooted, I was carrying Austin, Buzzy was hauling the stroller, and Ceci hung in there with her flip flops on. Oh, and the cherry on top (or bottom depending on how you look at it) was that Austin had a dirty diaper starting about 2/3 of the way UP. So with no bag in tow, he had to stick it out until we made it all the way back down.

We also got to see the Northshore where they have the giant waves and the big surf competitions. We saw some big waves, but it was the very end of the season, so they were not at their peak.

We visited Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial and the battleship Missouri. It's such a great tribute to those heroes who served on that infamous day.

I will post more pictures from the Maui leg of the trip later this week.

Monday, January 2, 2012

9 month pictures

The obligatory picture with the monkey...

It was very cold outside...and you can see it's starting to get to him here. He was literally shivering at this point.

As promised, here are Austin's 9 month pictures. We go to the doctor Friday for his checkup so I'll post his stats then! Can't wait!