Monday, December 10, 2012

22 weeks

Ok, so I got a little lazy...or maybe busy...and forgot to take belly pics for weeks 20 and 21.  We went to the doctor for our 20 week sonogram, and baby #2 is healthy and measuring about 14oz, which is right about on schedule.  Austin enjoyed hearing the heartrate as usual, but did not like having to see Mommy being the patient.

When we got back into the exam room with the doctor, she walked in, and Kristopher greeted her rather enthusiastically (as we had been waiting for our sonogram for over an hour...with Austin).  She then sat down and said, "So, another boy, huh?"  We just looked at her with blank stares?!?!?  "Oh, wait, did you find out what you were having," she said.  We told her we hadn't, and she then explained that she thought by something Kris had said when he greeted her that he was saying we were having another boy.  She assured us, and showed us all the pictures and paperwork that she received from the sonogram, that she had no clue what baby #2 was.  At the end of the visit, Kristopher told her just to come clean if she really did know something, but she swore that she really just misunderstood what he had said.  We saw everything the sonogram tech did, so I really don't think they got any clear pictures of anything to be able to tell.  We will see...

We cannot wait for Christmas!  Austin seems to be getting excited, and says that he wants Santa to bring him a "Lego Table".   Here are some pictures from lately...
 22 week belly bump
 Austin "washing dishes"
 He really likes to help!