Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Merry Christmas!  A few weeks late...

We had a great visit in New Orleans the week before Christmas, then back home for Santa's arrival.  Austin was a good boy this year, and he got a lego table and a play kitchen.  He loves to cook with me all the time, and he has been a real chef since getting his new play kitchen.  He also LOVES his lego blocks.  He also got a guitar, and he now wanders around the house rocking out singing songs from his current favorite show, Imagination Movers.  OH and we had a WHITE Christmas here as well.

Austin's a very busy boy.  We finally got a nice day last week, and I took him to the park.  He was climbing up the ladders like he was an old pro.  He will be a maniac in the Spring I'm sure.

Meanwhile, I had a checkup on Baby H #2, and my stats at 25 weeks were bp 100/60, weight gained to date 12 lbs, and baby's heartrate 160bpm.  I went and looked back at my journal for the same appointment for Austin at 25 weeks - my bp was 130/70 (high for me), weight gained to date was 12.5lbs, and baby (Austin's) heartbeat was 160bpm.  Interesting...  I haven't taken belly pics in a few weeks because we've been so busy.

We ended up making a trip back to New Orleans the week after Christmas to mourn the passing of Kristopher's grandfather.  His grandma passed away at the beginning of December last year, but I know the family has all enjoyed the last year they have been able to spend with PawPaw and he will be missed.  We were also blessed to have been able to celebrate Christmas with him while we were down there in December.  Here's a picture of him opening his gifts...

 Peyton, Preston, and Austin
 He's a rock star!
 Lego Table
 Drill and protective goggles from Grammy and Dips
 Dressed for the snow!
 The little chef
  Daddy and Austin in the snow
Christmas with the Howards