Monday, March 11, 2013

Austin's Birthday Party

Here are just a few shots from the birthday bash!  Austin had so much fun at his "Imagination Movers" party.  He really enjoyed all the attention and wearing his Mover costume that I made for him.  Now we are in the home stretch to Baby #2!

 Ceci and Buzzy
 Mommy and Daddy
 Grammy and Dips
 The table...he had a guitar cake per his request
 Nanan and Peyton
 "The prom shot"...guess we'll consider this my week 34 belly pic!
 My silly husband!

 Blowing out the candles



Sunday, February 10, 2013

Time is flying by...

So, it seems that time has been flying by.  I will hit the 31 week mark this Saturday, and I turned 31 on Monday!  I can't believe how soon we will be a family of 4.

Austin is just surprising us every day.  He is just changing before our eyes.  He talks so much more now, and he is into everything - of course.  We just started going to a bounce house that is close by.  For $3 he can jump all he wants.  We usually only stay about 2 hours and he is almost comatose on the way home!  It is the one thing I have found that really wears him out quickly.  Jumping has now become his choice form of transportation as well.  Everywhere he goes he likes to jump.  He is also really into Imagination Movers, which will be the theme for his upcoming 2nd birthday party!  He sings all of their songs and walks around the house playing guitar and dancing and jumping (of course) as he plays.  I think he's definitely inclined to be some kind of musician.

Baby #2 is measuring right on track.  We are suspecting it is a boy, but time will tell.  An older man stopped me in the bookstore the other day to tell me that he felt that I was going to be having a baby brother for Austin.  It was so funny!  Then you have others who tell me that I'm either carrying "low" so it must be a girl.  The funny thing about those "old wives' tales" is it seems that they vary depending on who you talk to.  I know another girl who is pregnant, and she is having a girl.  Someone told her they knew she was having a girl because she's carrying "high"...hmmm so which is it?  Anyway, I think we will find out when baby #2 decides to make his/her grand entrance into the world.

Here are some pics...

30 weeks

 28 weeks

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Merry Christmas!  A few weeks late...

We had a great visit in New Orleans the week before Christmas, then back home for Santa's arrival.  Austin was a good boy this year, and he got a lego table and a play kitchen.  He loves to cook with me all the time, and he has been a real chef since getting his new play kitchen.  He also LOVES his lego blocks.  He also got a guitar, and he now wanders around the house rocking out singing songs from his current favorite show, Imagination Movers.  OH and we had a WHITE Christmas here as well.

Austin's a very busy boy.  We finally got a nice day last week, and I took him to the park.  He was climbing up the ladders like he was an old pro.  He will be a maniac in the Spring I'm sure.

Meanwhile, I had a checkup on Baby H #2, and my stats at 25 weeks were bp 100/60, weight gained to date 12 lbs, and baby's heartrate 160bpm.  I went and looked back at my journal for the same appointment for Austin at 25 weeks - my bp was 130/70 (high for me), weight gained to date was 12.5lbs, and baby (Austin's) heartbeat was 160bpm.  Interesting...  I haven't taken belly pics in a few weeks because we've been so busy.

We ended up making a trip back to New Orleans the week after Christmas to mourn the passing of Kristopher's grandfather.  His grandma passed away at the beginning of December last year, but I know the family has all enjoyed the last year they have been able to spend with PawPaw and he will be missed.  We were also blessed to have been able to celebrate Christmas with him while we were down there in December.  Here's a picture of him opening his gifts...

 Peyton, Preston, and Austin
 He's a rock star!
 Lego Table
 Drill and protective goggles from Grammy and Dips
 Dressed for the snow!
 The little chef
  Daddy and Austin in the snow
Christmas with the Howards

Monday, December 10, 2012

22 weeks

Ok, so I got a little lazy...or maybe busy...and forgot to take belly pics for weeks 20 and 21.  We went to the doctor for our 20 week sonogram, and baby #2 is healthy and measuring about 14oz, which is right about on schedule.  Austin enjoyed hearing the heartrate as usual, but did not like having to see Mommy being the patient.

When we got back into the exam room with the doctor, she walked in, and Kristopher greeted her rather enthusiastically (as we had been waiting for our sonogram for over an hour...with Austin).  She then sat down and said, "So, another boy, huh?"  We just looked at her with blank stares?!?!?  "Oh, wait, did you find out what you were having," she said.  We told her we hadn't, and she then explained that she thought by something Kris had said when he greeted her that he was saying we were having another boy.  She assured us, and showed us all the pictures and paperwork that she received from the sonogram, that she had no clue what baby #2 was.  At the end of the visit, Kristopher told her just to come clean if she really did know something, but she swore that she really just misunderstood what he had said.  We saw everything the sonogram tech did, so I really don't think they got any clear pictures of anything to be able to tell.  We will see...

We cannot wait for Christmas!  Austin seems to be getting excited, and says that he wants Santa to bring him a "Lego Table".   Here are some pictures from lately...
 22 week belly bump
 Austin "washing dishes"
 He really likes to help!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

19 weeks

I am now (as of last Saturday) 19 weeks along.  We can all feel the baby moving now...kicking like crazy - usually about an hour after I eat.  So that tells me that this baby is probably like his/her big brother and likes to eat!  We go next Wednesday for our sonogram to see that our little bean is healthy and well.

Austin is his usual silly self.  He is learning so many things so fast.  It's hard to keep up with him.  He is constantly keeping us entertained.  We have been putting up Christmas decorations, little by little.  We helped Austin paint a Christmas tree using his hand prints, and it's hanging above the mantle.  He was very proud.

Here are a few pictures...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Haircut...among other things


 Checking out the clippers

Almost finished...

Happy Halloween...from Elmo

Breakfast date!

Playing with shredded paper...oh boy!

Reading in his playroom

 Austin and his best buddy

Austin got his first "real" haircut last week.  I have been trimming it at home, but we finally took him for a "big boy" cut.  We went to Cool Cuts for Kids, which I have heard lots of great things about.  Well, let me tell you, I was not impressed.  Talk about sensory overload.  My child normally sits (relatively) still while I cut his hair at home, so I didn't foresee this being a difficult task.

So, it's our turn (don't ask me why we made an appointment because they made us wait just as long as if we were a walk-in).  The stylist (if that's what you call them there) took him to the back and let him choose between a taxi chair and a firetruck - of course he chose firetruck.  Ok, so she sits him in there and lets him "drive" for about 3 seconds before asking him what his favorite video is...Elmo, Mickey, etc.  I tell her Elmo will be fine (videos don't keep his attention very long these days anyway).  She pops in the Elmo video on his own personal tv right in his face at an obnoxious volume.  She then starts blowing bubbles in his face.  Now, Austin has yet to show any signs of distress, so I don't know why all these antics were necessary.  However, after all of this stimulation, he starts to look a little concerned.  She then whips out the clippers and starts waving them in his face..."Ooooh, touch the clippers...see the clippers...aren't they cool".  This is when the panic starts to set in.  He starts to call for me, and she then gives him two combs to use as drum sticks, immediately followed by a sucker.  This poor child has no idea what's happening or why he's being "entertained" so extensively - AND we haven't even begun the haircut!!!  Wow...I was irritated and I'm a grown up.  Could they not have just sat him in the firetruck in front of the mirror and started cutting??  Well, anyway, he cried, but he sat still while he cried so she could cut his hair.  And he is, of course, very handsome.  And then we paid for our overpriced haircut "experience" and went on our merry way.

On another note, I'm starting to wonder what questions I should be asking.  We discovered (by accident) last month that Austin can count by at least 20.  We were leaving a building and walking down the stairs, and I said, "let's count the stairs".  When I said "one" he said "two"...then he proceeded to say all the rest of the numbers to 10.  I thought it might be a coincidence.  Then later that night, he counted all 10 of his cars for Kristopher.  A couple of days later, he had counted to 10 then said "eleven".  So when I said "twelve" he said "thirteen"...and so on to 20.  Who knew.   Then 2 days ago, I sing the alphabet to him and then say, "your turn".  He proceeds to sing his entire alphabet, A to Z (lacking a little in the enunciation department, but he was clearly singing the alphabet).  So now I'm starting to wonder what else he has stored up in that brain of his that I just haven't asked him to share.

I have posted a few recent pictures above...