Friday, December 10, 2010

23 weeks

So we are 23 weeks along. We had our big sonogram this week, and baby Haydel is perfect and healthy! Praise God for such an amazing miracle! We are so blessed. They measured baby to be about 1lb 6oz. We are still waiting to find out the gender until the baby arrives! Here are some waving, tiny foot, and baby maybe sucking his/her thumb, and then a belly pic.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

19 weeks

Here is my latest "belly pic" at 19 weeks. The baby is about the size of a large heirloom tomato according to one article...about 6.5 inches long and 8.5 ounces. I have been feeling the baby move for a couple of weeks now.

I also included a picture of the crib with all the cute stuff that people have been sending. And, of course, a picture with the two "babies" of the house right now.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Belly Pics

Ok, I have been asked to post some belly pics. I am officially 16 weeks now, so here's my 16 week "belly pic". You can see the button on my pants sticking out, as I cannot button them anymore (so there is a belly). They say the baby is about the size of an avocado this week, and is about to hit a growth spurt (as if growing from a micro-seed into an avocado in 16 weeks is not a growth spurt). I also put the original sonogram picture (8 weeks).

Oh, and I also included pictures from last weekend - my "sister" came in town to visit was a big surprise. We had such an awesome time!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

New Floors and Tea Puppies

Kristopher took this first picture and we entered it into a contest online to win some free McAlister's $$. Just thought I'd share. I hope to post some more pics soon - Kris has been busy with floors and hasn't had a chance to do pictures in a while.

We have spent a good bit of the summer putting new floors in the majority of the house. We did it ourselves with the help of a friend who is a former contractor. Here are a few pictures of the new floors. They are not quite finished, but getting there! Ah, the joy of "do it yourself"...seems to take forever. I'm ready for the house to be back in order and to not have to wrestle Rocky from tromping through wet glue!

We also purchased a 200-gallon aquarium which you can see in the first picture of the floors. It's going to be freshwater, with live plants and discus fish and schools of tetra. It is empty right now because we had to wait until the floors were done, as it will weigh literally over a ton when it is full!! Oh, and yes, I will put another curtain panel on that window!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I haven't posted in a while, so here are a few pictures from the last few months.

We went to New Orleans for my cousin Robby's wedding, and we got to see my Dad to celebrate his 60th birthday! I'm so thankful for such a great man for my Dad, and the blessing he's been to me for the last 28 of his 60!

Then a few weeks later, headed to Fredericksburg for a wedding that Kristopher stood in for his best friend, Laura, from college.

That one was an adventure - we got about 3.5 hours into our 4 hour drive and realized we forgot our hanging bag with all of our dress clothes! We ended up having to go to the only clothing store in town, Bealls', to find clothes (shirt, tie, and pants for Kristopher, and 2 dresses for me!)...luckily his tux was already in Fredericksburg.

The next few weeks we were busy installing wood floors in our den, and finishing up the school year for me. We then celebrated Kristopher's 28th birthday on May 30th - we got to celebrate with both of our parents and his sister - what a great weekend!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Our First Anniversary

So, it's been a year already! And what a year it's been - we got married, Kristopher started his business, the Saints went to the Superbowl, the Saints won the Superbowl, we laughed alot, traveled alot, and learned alot.

I'm a little late in posting, but we went to Europe to celebrate our anniversary. We went with Kris's sister and her husband. We did 2 days in Rome, 2 days in Florence, then 3 1/2 days in Paris. What a whirlwind. Here are a couple of shots (there are a ton as you can imagine when you travel with a photgrapher). We had a blast!

So, here's to many, many more years like this one!

Pictures: View from the top of Arch de Triumph; Brief stop at Leaning Tower of Pisa; Eating at our Cooking Class in Florence; Outside the Vatican; At a Tuscan Winery

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ok, so it took me a while to post these, but better late than never. We got record snowfall here in DFW - over 12.5 inches was the official recording. We had almost 11 in our backyard. Cookie and Rocky had quite a time in it - they could barely see over it.

Maybe the groundhog was right, but I sure am ready for Spring!

Monday, February 1, 2010


So, Kristopher asked/told me a few weeks ago that if the Saints went to the Super Bowl, we were going to paint our laundry room black and gold...

Well, the Saints are in the Super Bowl...

We comprimised, and it is an accent wall in the laundry room - came out very tasteful I think.

Now we can do laundry in the WHO DAT spirit! the way, that's my new purse that Kristopher gave me for my birthday...along with a beautiful cast iron coated pot. May the purse always be full, and may we have many delicious meals together!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Well, we may be few and far between around here, but we Saint's fans had a great night last night...even if we are in Cowboy country. Bless you boys - Super Bowl bound! We can't wait! Here's a picture of us before the game, and one of all "the kids". The Steins and our two knucklehead puppies...all geared up and ready to go.