Saturday, November 13, 2010

19 weeks

Here is my latest "belly pic" at 19 weeks. The baby is about the size of a large heirloom tomato according to one article...about 6.5 inches long and 8.5 ounces. I have been feeling the baby move for a couple of weeks now.

I also included a picture of the crib with all the cute stuff that people have been sending. And, of course, a picture with the two "babies" of the house right now.


  1. I love your little belly and can't believe you have been feeling the baby already! Wow! I can't wait until K can feel it too. He'll love it! Sending love!

  2. Aw so cute!! I see a "raffe" in the crib too. Hope your baby loves it as much as Kaden loves his.
