Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Showing the House

So, we put our house on the market about a month ago, and it has been quite an adventure. You would think this is great timing with me being home, I can have the house "show-ready" all the time and whisk the baby off to some shopping center or eatery and let the potential buyers see the house and call it a day. Well, in theory that sounds great; however, having a 3 month baby sometimes hinders the "show-readiness" of the home as most days we have toys, burp rags, and dirty diapers spread from here to Egypt at any given moment. Also, you may have forgotten, but we have two out-of-control dogs that have to be out of the house for show time as well, so eateries and shopping centers are out.

So, last Thursday, we got another call to show the house. Unfortunately, we got the call right around noon, while having lunch in south Fort Worth (35 miles away) with Kristopher. We left lunch and flew like the wind (without speeding because we have a baby on board) to get home in time to clean up. Well, pulling in the driveway with my sweet angel sleeping in the back, I realize the front lawn is in need of cutting. So, being the go-getter I am, I think I can cut that...so in under 5 minutes I do the best and worst lawn job of my life, but I hit the major areas and made the lawn look "groomed". I then run inside, rinse myself off just in time for Austin to wake up to eat (t-1 hour until lookers arrive). I still have to clean inside.

I feed Austin, and then proceed to clean, dust, make the bed, open blinds, pick up dishes and burp rags, load the stroller in the car, load the dogs and their beds, then finally load the baby up. We pull out of the driveway at 1:55 and the lookers are set to arrive at 2. We venture off to our neighborhood Sonic to get myself a beverage (only wishing it had alcohol in it) then on to PetSmart. So, it's one million degrees outside and the hottest part of the day. I attempt to get Austin out of the car first (while the dogs are trying to get in the seat with him to get out at the same time). I manage to wrangle the dogs out on their leashes - we parked about a mile from the store so nobody would have to witness the madness that takes place nor hear the curse words flying out of my mouth. I finally get everything and everyone out of the car, and we walk into the store. These people have already got to be thinking I'm out of my mind. So, we walk casually around the store trying to kill time - me trying to keep both dogs and stroller under control while passing other dogs and food and treats in the aisles. Well, then Rocky decided he needed to poop - right there in the aisle. I had to go get a bag and collect it myself (you know, with my free hand).

I decided at about 2:40 we would head back to the house thinking they would be done soon. I load up dogs and baby into the car (keeping my keys in hand in case one of the dogs decided to step on the lock and lock themselves and the baby into the sweltering car) and I load the stroller and we're off again. We get on the road and there's some banging noise under the car..."Oh no, we're going to break down while it's a million degrees and I'm going to be stuck on side the road with the baby and the dogs" is my immediate thought. Then I calm myself to realize I have shut the leash in the door and the poop bag holder is flapping in the wind. Nice. Can we please just go home? Nope. Lookers still there so we had to park at the community center behind the house, so I could go calm Austin (it was nap time and he was not happy about all of the antics going on around him). So we sat and waited until after 3 and then headed home. BIG SIGH.

I am just hoping someone buys our home soon because I think I've already had my fill of adventure with these showings. Here are a couple of pictures of the dogs riding in the car and drinking their water after the trip to PetSmart. They were tired too I guess :) And my sweet buddy still cracking smiles after all the commotion!

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