Thursday, October 13, 2011's been a while

Ok, I know it's been forever since I posted, but it's been crazy. Austin is growing like a weed! He went to the doctor for his six month check-up and he was 27 inches long (a whole 3.5 inches longer than he was at 4 months) and 16lbs! He's still on the low end for his weight, but he is above average for his height.

Austin is already getting up on all-4's and trying to crawl. He hasn't quite mastered the traditional crawl yet, but he gets everywhere he wants to go. He is getting himself over to the coffee table and reaching up...we are in so much trouble! He's also been eating veggies. We've had carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, and green beans so far. He LOVES all of them. He doesn't even seem to have a preference, he just wants to eat them ALL!

Ceci came to visit last week and we went to the goat farm right near our house. They have goats and chickens. He LOVED looking at the animals, and the rooster kept crowing, and he thought it was so funny (or maybe scary...hard to tell he just kept squealing)!

I am having trouble loading pictures so I will post more soon.

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