Tuesday, October 23, 2012

18months and Baby #2

I know it's been forever since I've posted, but it turns out having a 1-year-old can keep one very busy!  Austin is really blossoming.  His personality is really coming out.  He's very funny, and so smart (if I do say so myself).  I'm still working on my tech-savviness so eventually I'll figure out how to post videos of him.
In the meantime, Austin turned 18 months old last month.  It's crazy how time is just flying by.  I've posted some of his pictures done by his Daddy, of course.  We took him to the air show and the pumpkin patch.  It was our first cold snap of the year, and it was soooo cold!  But he LOVED seeing all the airplanes up close and the helicopters too!
Also, we are expecting baby #2 in the Spring!  My due date is April 13th, but I think they will schedule a c-section somewhere around the 8th depending on how things progress.  If this baby is anything like its big brother, then he/she will come on their own time I'm sure.  We are again going to wait to find out the gender when the baby arrives.  I know that drives some people nuts, but it's fun for us.  Here is my latest "belly pic" at 14 weeks (a couple weeks ago).  We will make 16 weeks this coming Saturday.

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