Wednesday, March 23, 2011

37 Weeks, Maternity Pictures

So, we crossed the 37 week mark. Big surprise...the baby is still breech! Despite my efforts to put myself into every yoga position possible, not to mention all the pelvic tilts and silly old wives' tales I've attempted, this baby just does not want to be upside-down. At this point, I'm not sure it can go head-down without alot of pain for Mommy!

All is well otherwise with Mom and Baby. Blood pressure and heart rate good and strong, and baby is growing right along. This weekend we went to Grapevine Botanical Gardens to take some maternity pictures and some "family pictures" before our family grows by one. My favorite photographer took these with the help of his tripod for those of us together. You can check out more of his work at You can look forward to many, many pictures once Baby Haydel actually arrives.

We are now in the single digits of days until we are parents! In the meantime, please keep us in your prayers for a safe and successful c-section and a healthy baby!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

36 Weeks, Anniversary, and Breech

So, now that we are 36 weeks along, the baby is still breech!

We are scheduled to have a c-section on April 1st (no fooling around) if the baby doesn't turn in the meantime. So, that means one less week to prepare!

We are so excited and in full-on nesting mode getting ready for the arrival of our new little bundle.

I'm sure this was good news for those who will be traveling in for baby Haydel's arrival; however, not exactly the way I had anticipated this going. The baby is diagonal across my belly (head at 1:00 and feet at 7:00).

Tomorrow we celebrate our anniversary - 2 years of bliss with my wonderful hubby. We can't wait to start this next chapter in our lives. We are truly blessed in so many ways.

And the bets keep coming in for the gender...Kristopher is still feeling girl, while the votes seem to be split about 50/50 from all of our family and friends.

Either way, we are less than 3 weeks away from meeting our baby!

Keep checking in for the latest, and soon enough we will have BABY pictures to share!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

35 Weeks...Still Breech

Yep, here we are at 35 weeks...T-minus 5 weeks to go and counting.

Went to the doctor this week, and after measuring my belly at 30.5cm, the doctor decided that was on the small side and hadn't grown since 2 weeks before so I had to stick around for a sonogram. After seeing our sweet little baby on the big screen again, everything checks out perfectly - measuring up to about 5lbs 7oz give or take a half a pound or so. That puts Baby Haydel in the 55th percentile for weight at this stage of the game - doctor said they usually shoot to be around 60th percentile.

So...measurement is perfect, but position is not ideal. The baby's head is between 12:00 and 3:00 if you're looking straight on at my belly. Being that that head is supposed to be at 6:00 by this time, now we start looking at "options". Those being, pray for baby to turn itself (which I will surely know at this point since it's taking up about as much room as I feel it has in my abdomen), let them manually try to manipulate my belly from the outside to flip the baby, or opt for a c-section. At this point, we are leaning toward - let God decide. I don't think we are going to let the doctors try to flip the baby as there are too many risks and it's just not a natural procedure. If it flips on its own, great, and if not, then I guess we are getting a glimpse into our future - maybe this baby is going to be stubborn, or maybe it just likes being snuggled close to Mommy's heart!

We will have another sonogram this week to check position, then I guess the doctor will direct us where we go from here. Her estimate for delivery weight - approximately 6-8 lbs.

So, keep us in your prayers that Mommy and Baby stay healthy and well these next few weeks, and that Daddy can put up with Mommy's emotional ups and downs due to things not going "the way I want".