Wednesday, March 23, 2011

37 Weeks, Maternity Pictures

So, we crossed the 37 week mark. Big surprise...the baby is still breech! Despite my efforts to put myself into every yoga position possible, not to mention all the pelvic tilts and silly old wives' tales I've attempted, this baby just does not want to be upside-down. At this point, I'm not sure it can go head-down without alot of pain for Mommy!

All is well otherwise with Mom and Baby. Blood pressure and heart rate good and strong, and baby is growing right along. This weekend we went to Grapevine Botanical Gardens to take some maternity pictures and some "family pictures" before our family grows by one. My favorite photographer took these with the help of his tripod for those of us together. You can check out more of his work at You can look forward to many, many pictures once Baby Haydel actually arrives.

We are now in the single digits of days until we are parents! In the meantime, please keep us in your prayers for a safe and successful c-section and a healthy baby!

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