Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Baby Austin

Austin Michael Haydel made his entrance into the world at 5:33am on Monday, March 28, 2011. He weighed in at 7lbs, 3oz and was 19.75 inches long.

So, scheduled c-section or not, our son, Austin Michael, decided he would come on his own terms anyway! He stayed breech right until the end. My water broke at around midnight Sunday night, and we made our way to the hospital. Since my labor was not painful, they let the doctor wait and come in at 5am to do the c-section. I guess Baby Austin wanted me to know what labor was like. I had great plans of waltzing into the hospital early on Friday, April 1st with my makeup done and ready to welcome my baby into the world (and look great for the pictures too). However, he had other plans. We also had lots of family planning to come in toward the end of the week to await the debut - their plans changed too! So, drive all night is what the grandparents did to arrive around 10am to welcome Austin with us.

As I have posted before, Kristopher was sure that this baby was going to be a girl! As we waited between contractions, we were discussing boy names, as we still had none and there was still a very strong possibility that this baby could be a boy! Once in surgery, as the doctor pulled that sweet baby out (feet first) Kristopher got the first picture and peeked around the curtain at me with a big smirk on his face - we have a BOY! Needless to say, he didn't officially have a name until Tuesday!

He is the sweetest gift in the world, and we are so blessed. We are all home now and doing great!

Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers, phone calls, and messages.

Here are just a few of the pictures that Kristopher took of our sweet boy!


  1. Such a sweet baby boy! Can't wait to meet him!

  2. I love it!! He's so sweet! Can't wait til the end of May to see yall.
