Thursday, December 29, 2011

9 months old

Lookout, world, I'm about to be on the run!
Merry Christmas!
My first taste of cake batter...YUM!
Riding home for Christmas...I like the view from up here!

Our sweet baby boy is 9 months old already! Can't believe the time is just flying by. This time last year I was getting into my third trimester and preparing for baby, and now we have a bouncing, happy, healthy, and growing boy!

The latest developments: crawling at turbo speed, standing for longer periods of time, clapping, giving kisses, dancing, and walking (trying to run) behind his new walker toys.

We had a great visit in New Orleans and in Jackson for Christmas, then spent a quiet, relaxed Christmas home together.

We will post his 9 month pictures once Kristopher is finished working on them (maybe in the next couple of days) so check back soon!

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