Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's the Holiday Season Already

Ahh, how he loves the tree!
Looking at his Christmas book ornament
Smiling with his cousins, Preston and Peyton
Just hanging out, waiting to eat
I'm 8 months old!! A monkey and his favorite stuffed animal

So, I know it's been forever since I posted, but I'll try not to be too long-winded. I know there are few of you faithful followers out there, but you have let me know that you've been anxiously awaiting a new post. Things have been crazy busy here. Austin is changing so fast. I can't believe how fast this year is flying by.

What's new? Austin started getting teeth right after he turned 5 months old. He now has 8!!! Kristopher says he has more than Arkansas. So, since he has so many teeth, all he wants to do is eat! This little boy (who was in the 25th percentile for weight and 75th for height at his 6 month checkup) can EAT! He eats almost a whole waffle (homemade, large) for breakfast along with some Cheerios. He ate an entire turkey sandwich for lunch the other day, along with about 6 mandarin orange slices and some beans and rice. Anything we put in front of him, he eats! We are still avoiding all dairy, onions, and garlic at this point though. Buzzy even gave him a pickle, and he didn't even make a face, just sucked it down.

What else? He's on the move...and movin' fast!! He started crawling a couple of months ago and now there's no stopping him. He pulls up on everything, lets go and tries to stand, and he's taking some little steps with guidance. He pushes his little play table all around the den and practices his skills! Lookout world. He puts on the turbo boosters when he sees something he wants (and probably isn't supposed to have)...most often, the dog food or the dog beds, or even just the dogs. Cookie and Rocky just try to stay out of his way!

Anyway, he is tons of fun, and a bundle of laughs. He thinks he's funny (so do we). He is always laughing, and smiling. He puts on the flirt when we are out and about, and is always such a joy. We are so blessed with this happy, healthy little monkey. We can't wait to see everyone for Christmas.

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