Wednesday, March 7, 2012

11 months old

Austin is growing so fast. The last month seems like the most drastic change in such a small time. He is walking so much now. He takes about 10-15 steps at a time to cross a room. He's still a little shaky at times, but he's very motivated and confident. He is about 19 1/2 pounds now. He has been to the doctor several times because somehow he caught RSV!! I've heard about it, but let me just say that IT SUCKS! That about sums it up. He was coughing, running fever, having diarrhea, snotty, ear infection, and the works. I'm sure the only thing worse is maybe the flu as far as viruses go. He had to do breathing treatments, which he was a trooper for. But he seems to be doing better. Anyway, we are so looking forward to his big birthday coming up in just a couple of weeks.
He is so much fun these days. He's talking more (his favorites are plane and please I think). The funniest thing is when we sit down to dinner, we always pray first and he is usually starving. Once we strap him in his chair, he immediately starts saying, "Amen" so we can go ahead and eat. He also had to move up to his big booster seat because he can (and does) climb out of his high chair. He's a climber, so anything he can get his leg up on is fair game. He keeps his mommy very busy every day. The pictures above are some that Kristopher took for his 11 month birthday.

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