Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cleaned out my phone

Eating an orange with the peel!

climbing...his favorite thing to do

So, if it seems my posts are always here and there and my words are rushed, it's usually because I'm trying to post while Austin naps...along with doing the laundry, picking up toys, cleaning up the table from the last meal. Not that I'm complaining, but he is one BUSY little boy.

Anyway, I finally had to unload the 1000+ pics on my phone, so here are a few from lately. Austin is running everywhere (literally). I think he walked for 3 days, then started running. I bough him some shoes and he's doing great. He only wants to wear them if we go outside though. He'll say "shoes" and start trying to put them on when he wants to go out. He is also saying so much - I think last count was 53+++. My favorites lately are "tight tight" which is what he says when he gives snuggles, and flag. I think flag sounds more like bag, but he LOVES them. He also tweets at the birds he sees.

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