Thursday, December 29, 2011

9 months old

Lookout, world, I'm about to be on the run!
Merry Christmas!
My first taste of cake batter...YUM!
Riding home for Christmas...I like the view from up here!

Our sweet baby boy is 9 months old already! Can't believe the time is just flying by. This time last year I was getting into my third trimester and preparing for baby, and now we have a bouncing, happy, healthy, and growing boy!

The latest developments: crawling at turbo speed, standing for longer periods of time, clapping, giving kisses, dancing, and walking (trying to run) behind his new walker toys.

We had a great visit in New Orleans and in Jackson for Christmas, then spent a quiet, relaxed Christmas home together.

We will post his 9 month pictures once Kristopher is finished working on them (maybe in the next couple of days) so check back soon!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's the Holiday Season Already

Ahh, how he loves the tree!
Looking at his Christmas book ornament
Smiling with his cousins, Preston and Peyton
Just hanging out, waiting to eat
I'm 8 months old!! A monkey and his favorite stuffed animal

So, I know it's been forever since I posted, but I'll try not to be too long-winded. I know there are few of you faithful followers out there, but you have let me know that you've been anxiously awaiting a new post. Things have been crazy busy here. Austin is changing so fast. I can't believe how fast this year is flying by.

What's new? Austin started getting teeth right after he turned 5 months old. He now has 8!!! Kristopher says he has more than Arkansas. So, since he has so many teeth, all he wants to do is eat! This little boy (who was in the 25th percentile for weight and 75th for height at his 6 month checkup) can EAT! He eats almost a whole waffle (homemade, large) for breakfast along with some Cheerios. He ate an entire turkey sandwich for lunch the other day, along with about 6 mandarin orange slices and some beans and rice. Anything we put in front of him, he eats! We are still avoiding all dairy, onions, and garlic at this point though. Buzzy even gave him a pickle, and he didn't even make a face, just sucked it down.

What else? He's on the move...and movin' fast!! He started crawling a couple of months ago and now there's no stopping him. He pulls up on everything, lets go and tries to stand, and he's taking some little steps with guidance. He pushes his little play table all around the den and practices his skills! Lookout world. He puts on the turbo boosters when he sees something he wants (and probably isn't supposed to have)...most often, the dog food or the dog beds, or even just the dogs. Cookie and Rocky just try to stay out of his way!

Anyway, he is tons of fun, and a bundle of laughs. He thinks he's funny (so do we). He is always laughing, and smiling. He puts on the flirt when we are out and about, and is always such a joy. We are so blessed with this happy, healthy little monkey. We can't wait to see everyone for Christmas.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Grammy and Gramps visit

Kristopher's parents were in town last weekend, and we took Austin to the pumpkin patch. He had lots of fun looking at all the pumpkins. There were also a few animals there (ponies, goats, etc) and he thought they were pretty funny. He is so interactive now. He's trying to pull up on anything and everything he can get a hold of! It's crazy how fast he's changing. We are having a blast just watching him learn.

Thursday, October 13, 2011's been a while

Ok, I know it's been forever since I posted, but it's been crazy. Austin is growing like a weed! He went to the doctor for his six month check-up and he was 27 inches long (a whole 3.5 inches longer than he was at 4 months) and 16lbs! He's still on the low end for his weight, but he is above average for his height.

Austin is already getting up on all-4's and trying to crawl. He hasn't quite mastered the traditional crawl yet, but he gets everywhere he wants to go. He is getting himself over to the coffee table and reaching up...we are in so much trouble! He's also been eating veggies. We've had carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, and green beans so far. He LOVES all of them. He doesn't even seem to have a preference, he just wants to eat them ALL!

Ceci came to visit last week and we went to the goat farm right near our house. They have goats and chickens. He LOVED looking at the animals, and the rooster kept crowing, and he thought it was so funny (or maybe scary...hard to tell he just kept squealing)!

I am having trouble loading pictures so I will post more soon.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fun, Fun!

Here are a few pictures from what's been going on...

We took Austin to the pool to splash in the water when the temperature hiked back up to 105...

Then we took Austin to the park to enjoy the cool weather and saw lots of ducks. He had a great time watching them swim and time we'll be sure to bring some bread to feed them! We've been enjoying the little taste of cool air

Hopefully it stays this way! We are ready to enjoy the FALL!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Baby Dedication

This weekend we had Austin's baby dedication at our church. Lots of family came in for the big event, so thanks to all of you who made the long trip.

It was especially long for Nannie Michell whose car broke down on the way, had to be towed back to Houston, and they still got back on the road and made the trip again!!

Austin looked like the angel that he is, and he thoroughly enjoyed being on stage for all to see!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

5 months

Austin is 5 months old! He is growing and changing so fast. He is 14lbs, 10oz. He is rolling over, working on sitting up. He grabs things with intentions of putting them in his mouth! He is now eating oatmeal every day, and he can drink from a straw!...this last discovery was accidental when he grabbed at my water cup straw and I let him explore, only to find out he was already advanced in this technique. We are loving watching him grow and change. Oh, and he also busts out in hysterical laughter at the dogs...especially when they growl. He is really developing a sense of humor!

4 months...a little late

Sorry, I'm a little behind on my are Austin's 4 month pictures. He is growing and changing so much. At his 4-month check-up he was 13lbs, 15oz...just shy of the 14 pound mark. We are loving watching him change daily.

Stay tuned as I will post his 5-month pictures and update within a day or two.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Visit to New Orleans

Aunt Debbie and Aunt Linda
Grand-NaNa Gale
Getting spoiled! Auntie Lynnda, Aunt Julie, Nannie Michell and Emma
Gramps (Dips) and Grammy
Ceci and Buzzy
Swinging with Buzzy
Parrain Chris
Snuggling with Uncle Howard
Riding the new rocking horse from Pat and Dalton (friends of my parents from Mississippi)
4 generations: Mommy, Granny, Austin, and Ceci
PawPaw Hubert
Granny and Grandaddy Zimmerman
PawPaw and MawMaw Haydel
Cousins Preston and Peyton with Austin

We finally made the long drive down to New Orleans. It was eventful to say the least. I drove to Mississippi to Buzzy and Ceci's house and spent a couple of nights to break up the trip, then headed down to New Orleans. Kristopher flew down and met me for the weekend and we drove back together on Sunday. Austin had a great time meeting all of his family, and we had a great visit with everyone!

On the way home, all was going well and we were making great time until we hit Shreveport. After a brief stop for lunch we got back in the car only to realize that the air conditioner was not working. We definitely could not drive back to the 105 degree heat of Texas without air, so Kristopher was lucky enough to find a helpful gentleman at O'Reilly Auto Parts to help him figure it out. We had a cracked they patched it and, thank the good Lord, we made it home!! After alot of battling with insurance and a week without a car, we were able to get it fixed once back home. Always and adventure! Luckily we had a visit from Ceci all week so that helped with the lack of vehicle!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Showing the House

So, we put our house on the market about a month ago, and it has been quite an adventure. You would think this is great timing with me being home, I can have the house "show-ready" all the time and whisk the baby off to some shopping center or eatery and let the potential buyers see the house and call it a day. Well, in theory that sounds great; however, having a 3 month baby sometimes hinders the "show-readiness" of the home as most days we have toys, burp rags, and dirty diapers spread from here to Egypt at any given moment. Also, you may have forgotten, but we have two out-of-control dogs that have to be out of the house for show time as well, so eateries and shopping centers are out.

So, last Thursday, we got another call to show the house. Unfortunately, we got the call right around noon, while having lunch in south Fort Worth (35 miles away) with Kristopher. We left lunch and flew like the wind (without speeding because we have a baby on board) to get home in time to clean up. Well, pulling in the driveway with my sweet angel sleeping in the back, I realize the front lawn is in need of cutting. So, being the go-getter I am, I think I can cut in under 5 minutes I do the best and worst lawn job of my life, but I hit the major areas and made the lawn look "groomed". I then run inside, rinse myself off just in time for Austin to wake up to eat (t-1 hour until lookers arrive). I still have to clean inside.

I feed Austin, and then proceed to clean, dust, make the bed, open blinds, pick up dishes and burp rags, load the stroller in the car, load the dogs and their beds, then finally load the baby up. We pull out of the driveway at 1:55 and the lookers are set to arrive at 2. We venture off to our neighborhood Sonic to get myself a beverage (only wishing it had alcohol in it) then on to PetSmart. So, it's one million degrees outside and the hottest part of the day. I attempt to get Austin out of the car first (while the dogs are trying to get in the seat with him to get out at the same time). I manage to wrangle the dogs out on their leashes - we parked about a mile from the store so nobody would have to witness the madness that takes place nor hear the curse words flying out of my mouth. I finally get everything and everyone out of the car, and we walk into the store. These people have already got to be thinking I'm out of my mind. So, we walk casually around the store trying to kill time - me trying to keep both dogs and stroller under control while passing other dogs and food and treats in the aisles. Well, then Rocky decided he needed to poop - right there in the aisle. I had to go get a bag and collect it myself (you know, with my free hand).

I decided at about 2:40 we would head back to the house thinking they would be done soon. I load up dogs and baby into the car (keeping my keys in hand in case one of the dogs decided to step on the lock and lock themselves and the baby into the sweltering car) and I load the stroller and we're off again. We get on the road and there's some banging noise under the car..."Oh no, we're going to break down while it's a million degrees and I'm going to be stuck on side the road with the baby and the dogs" is my immediate thought. Then I calm myself to realize I have shut the leash in the door and the poop bag holder is flapping in the wind. Nice. Can we please just go home? Nope. Lookers still there so we had to park at the community center behind the house, so I could go calm Austin (it was nap time and he was not happy about all of the antics going on around him). So we sat and waited until after 3 and then headed home. BIG SIGH.

I am just hoping someone buys our home soon because I think I've already had my fill of adventure with these showings. Here are a couple of pictures of the dogs riding in the car and drinking their water after the trip to PetSmart. They were tired too I guess :) And my sweet buddy still cracking smiles after all the commotion!

3months old

Oh the days just get more and more fun! Austin is smiling, laughing out loud, and entertaining us every minute of the day. He is such a happy baby. He's growing and learning so much. He is very aware of everything, and he is talking more and more. We can't get enough of this sweet little boy! He turned three months old last Monday, and here are a couple of pictures that Mommy took (with Daddy's camera) so I think only about 1/10 of the pictures came out - haha. I guess it's time I finally let him teach me how to use it! You can still see his obsession with the fan in the first picture!